Tuesday, October 20, 2009

2009 ALIA National Library & Information Technicians Conference

Congratulations to Terri and her marvellous team for running the 2009 ALIA National Library & Information Technicians Conference.

You can find information about the conference, including links to many great photos on facebook at http://conferences.alia.org.au/libtec2009/

Most papers are now available on the program page at http://conferences.alia.org.au/libtec2009/programs.php

It was a very stimulating and inspiring event. I came away with a vision of enthusiastic library staff across the nation focusing on developing their services to engage better with clients, willing to take on new challenges and to develop personal skills to deal with the exciting/turbulent environment.

I encourage everyone to put the next ALIA Technicians conference - Back to basics, Perth, September 2001, in their diaries.

Engagement and Participation: What the Public Want and How our Politicians Need to Respond

The Hansard Society (UK) has published the sixth Audit of Political Engagement recently (thank you Andy for providing a copy). The report is available online at http://hansardsociety.org.uk/blogs/parliament_and_government/archiv....

A very interesting article based ont he results of the study by Ruth Fox is also available online at http://pa.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/62/4/673 - I have used the title of the article as the title of this blog posting.